Condell Park Christian School is a ministry of Condell Park Bible Church. Under the leadership of the Church's pastoral team, the School staff provides a thoroughly Christian education to students through the many ministry opportunities of the Church and School. Our teachers are born-again Christians, professionally qualified and dedicated to serving the Lord through the spiritual gift of teaching.
Condell Park Christian School aims to provide an education for our young people that will not only provide a sound academic foundation and prepare them to lead a fulfilled life but will also make them especially aware of their responsibilities to God, home, church and country. The School staff is complemented in this task by the greater School community. Parents, School staff and other Church members all harmonise in relating to students individually and in modelling Biblical living.
The School accommodates all grade levels from Pre-School through to Year 12, offering a wide-ranging curriculum. In addition to Core Subject areas and Bible Devotion classes, numerous opportunities are available for students to pursue other areas of interest including Language studies, Drama, Music/School Band and even some Bible College classes.
We firmly believe that the purpose of Christian education is to direct young people toward God’s ultimate objective for each one of us:
“That the man of God may be perfect (mature), throughly furnished unto all good works.”
For more information, visit the School website at, or CONTACT US.