Sunday School

Our weekly Sunday School ministry offers Bible-based teaching to proclaim the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ and promote the spiritual growth of Christians. Classes are held before our morning worship service, from 9:00am to 10:00am. Several classes and small groups are available catering for children from the age of three, all the way up to our adult class.

Visitors are warmly welcomed to join us in learning more about God and His Word in a friendly environment.

For more information speak to our Sunday School Directors, Elliot and Katelyn Jauregui.

Bible College

As we live in a confused, sceptical and broken world, the need to reach souls for Christ and to edify the saints is alarmingly evident. Men and women need to be urgently equipped for the ministry of Jesus Christ so that souls can be reached with the precious Word of God. Condell Park Bible College endeavours to see servants of God raised up and equipped to achieve this purpose.

The task of preparing men and women who have God's call on their lives is our God-given responsibility, and by His grace, this College will effectively present pastors, evangelists, missionaries and teachers for service in the years that lie ahead.

A Bible-based program of study is prepared for the student to provide that necessary basis of understanding upon which there can be a lifetime of additional learning and growth. A spirit of excellence in a student's spiritual life, as well as academic requirements, is a high priority.

For more information, please speak to our College Principal, Pastor Brendan Fischer

Women’s Ministries

Women’s ministries have existed at CPBC since its inception in 1938. Although the format and frequency of our ladies’ meetings may have changed over the years, the basic goals of edifying women and reaching unsaved friends and family members remains the same. 

Currently our main meeting is Women’s Evening Fellowship, an “almost” monthly Bible study for women of all ages held on a Tuesday evening on the church premises. Once a year – usually around Mother’s Day - we also host a function such as a dinner, luncheon or afternoon tea. This special event always proves to be a wonderful opportunity to present the Gospel and to build friendships with visiting ladies.

In recent months we have seen the value of using technology to stay in touch and minister to one another. A weekly online Ladies’ Share & Prayer Group has been a great encouragement to a number of our ladies. Moving forward we are keen to see if this concept can be further developed, especially to involve those of our ladies who live some distance from the church.